About Us
The Story
This journey has been a long road littered with kilometres of grease-proof paper, toxic foil, containers with missing lids, paper bags, mashed fruit rotting in the bottom of school bags, and mild-to-severe lacerations from the metal teeth of death on the side of cling film boxes (which is also non-recyclable).
I hated all of it! None of it worked and none of it felt good because it wasn't good for me, my family, or the environment. There had to be a better way and, through sheer desperation and a great naivety of what it actually takes to develop a product and get it to the finish line, I found it, oh yes I did.
I love this wrap, not just because it works like a charm, but because I am really passionate about waste, rubbish, and landfill issues. Money from every wrap sold goes to support the eco-education of young minds and the efforts of green armies doing their best to clean up and campaign for positive environmental change.
It just doesn't get any better than this!